Budj Bim Indigenous Protected Area.
In 2018, GMTOAC combined its properties under the Budj Bim Indigenous Protected Area Plan of Management. The Peters, Kurtonitj, Lake Condah Mission, Lake Condah, Allambie and Lake Gorrie properties cover 2,700 hectares of cultural significant land along the Budj Bim Cultural Landscape.
The Budj Bim Rangers conduct their Working on Country program across the GMTOAC properties.
The Commonwealth Government’s Indigenous Protected Areas program supports Indigenous landowners to develop and implement plans of management for the conservation of their lands as part of Australia's National Reserve System.
There are 75 declared Indigenous Protected Areas covering just over 67 million hectares across Australia. Indigenous Protected Areas now cover an area which equates to around 45% of our National Reserve System.
The Tyrendarra Indigenous Protected Area was declared in December 2003 and is owned and managed by the Winda-Mara Aboriginal Corporation.

Kurtonitj Indigenous Protected Area
Victoria | Declared in November 2009
Kurtonitj Indigenous Protected Area is a beautiful 353 hectare marshland halfway between Victoria's Mt Eccles volcanic plain and the sea. Right in the centre of the Budj Bim National Heritage Landscape - Kurtonitj is sacred to the Gunditjmara people with enormous cultural, archaeological and environmental significance.
Read more about Kurtonitj Indigenous Protected Area

Lake Condah Indigenous Protected Area
Victoria | Declared in April 2010
Lake Condah Indigenous Protected Area is made up of 1,700 hectares of significant wetlands and stony rises right next to the historic lava flows of Mount Eccles National Park in south-west Victoria. The area is part of the Budj Bim National Heritage Landscape listed in 2004. Lake Condah was included in the listing because of its outstanding cultural heritage value for all Australians.
Read more about Lake Condah Indigenous Protected Area